Since mid-last week, I have been reading Martha Inc.: The Incredible Story of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia by Christopher Byron, and I'm over halfway finished with it. In short, I have loved Martha Stewart my entire life, and it's kind of funny to me that I really don't know when I first became familiar with Martha. I do remember watching Some of my dearest and most hilarious memories are from my mom and I cooking together. We would mock the Martha Stewart Show (and by mock, I mean try to be like it); I was Martha, and my mom was Julia Child (a guest on my show, no doubt), and we referred to each other as such until our dish was complete. On one of my birthdays in college, I received a package from my brother that had a set of Martha Stewart stainless steel measuring cups in it; no other measuring apparati will do.
I'm sure you can imagine that some folks have been laughing a little at my reading Martha Inc., but I don't get it. Why wouldn't I want to read about a woman who turned poaching pears, embroidering napkins and whipping up homemade bath fizzies among other "good things" into a billion dollar business? I just wish I could have beaten her to the punch (I can hear the rest of you echoing the same sentiment)...And let's be honest, who doesn't love her signature aqua/turquoise color?
Last night, H. and I were in Wal*Mart buying batteries for a Wii controller, and we found ourselves standing in the impulse buy section (aka waiting in line). Then something wonderful happened. I glanced over at the February 2011 issue of Martha Stewart Living magazine, and in the bottom right-hand corner read these words: "How to Host a Crafternoon." Sold. I looked at H., pointed to the magazine and said, "That's why I'm reading Martha Inc.," and snatched it up.
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